Fixed more bugs...

There were quite a few bugs that I found...

1 of which is that this P2P thing is a pain in my ...well I don't know how to setup a broker server...and I was able to use a Default server, but that option seems to no longer no multiplayer online yet...unless someone out there knows how to do that...that would help me out a ton and get you a game dev credit

so instead of listing all the problems ...heres the good stuff

the casting and sword effect...I don't know what to call do a single unit of damage to regularly spawning enemies(they have 3 health points each currently)...the health and damage is not 100% accurate...sometimes a second collision is detected, but I think that adds sort of randomness to the effectiveness of the weapons...

all that to say...leveling up certain aspects of the heros and villians is becoming a closer reality...making the game more like super metroid and castlevania

I also spent a long time in thought to procedurally generate a level...watched sooo many videos about it...apparently GDevelop only has a PG terrain example...and I didn't understand their I will probably spend a week or 6 writing that code from scratch.

I am not sure if I would like to keep the game on a single expanding map that does not change ...the way the game is now...or...if i want to add  separate areas that are randomly generated, like dead cells or make the majority of the game I don't have any randomly generated code for levels ...that is the way it is going to stay...for now

I'll wait for more feedback and a simple implementation before I decide to scrap the idea or not...

oh oh...and something cool...the soundtrack is being made over the next month...getting a bandmate to help me if it sucks it is all on him and not me...just kidding...I gave him a concept and made it work with some garbage tracks and now we are working on the flushing out the may may may be the next big thing...

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